What is the Church? The word “church” comes from a Greek verb meaning, “to call out”, and is used in the New Testament over one hundred times. In some instances it can be translated as congregation or assembly because it implies nothing more than a gathering of people who have been called out, or together, for a particular reason. The first two uses of the word came from Jesus in Matthew 16:18, when He said, “upon this rock I will build my church.” Believing on these things, The New Elizabeth Missionary Baptist Church was established in 1975. The mother church was located in Westdale, Louisiana. Because this location presented difficulty in traveling to and forth, seventeen (17) members sought a more convenient place to worship. The site chosen was the Masonic Hall on Champ Clark Street in Shreveport and the rest is History.
1975: The New Elizabeth Missionary Baptist Church was established with seventeen (17) members at the Masonic Hall, Champ Clark Street, Shreveport, LA.
1978: The New Elizabeth Missionary Baptist Church moved to 604 Harrison Street, Cedar Grove subdivision.
1981: Pastor Murphy Giles resigned in September. Pastor Danny R. Mitchell, Sr. accepted the invitation to lead this flock. Forty-nine (49) members united by Letter; thirteen (13) by Christian Experience; and thirteen (13) by Baptism, this was accredited to a Radio Ministry, Bus Ministry and an outstanding Bible Study led by Pastor Mitchell.
1983: Spiritual growth within the membership introduced three (3) new Ministries: The Brotherhood; Women for Christ; and the Christian Orientation Class.
1984: Purchased two and one-half acres of land in the Hollywood area of Shreveport. May of this year The Christian Child Development Center opened.
1985: Between the years of 1985-1989, Spiritual and Physical growth continued to take place. The Lord molded and positioned His church body in order that they would be able to perform His predestined work.
1988: Pastor Mitchell shared his vision to relocate the membership to the former Lakeshore Baptist Church at 2332 Jewella Avenue.
1989: The New Elizabeth Church body, sharing Pastor’s Mitchell’s vision went into prayer for forty (40) days asking the Lord’s blessing on this vision.
1989: New Elizabeth Missionary Baptist Church moved to 2332 Jewella, December 31, 1989.
1990: January 1990, the first Sunday worship service was held, the Christian Child Development Center relocated to Jewella Ave.; membership increased by 300 members, totaling approximately 600 members.
1991: January 13th, the deeds to the Jewella facility were given to New Elizabeth in exchange for property located at the Hollywood Daycare facility on Hollywood. Membership increased, one hundred-ninety-two (192); Letter or Christian Experience; sixty-six (26) Baptisms. Pastor Mitchell elected to 1st term in Office as State Representative for District 2.
1992: Governor Edwin Edwards funded grants for New Elizabeth to begin new programs that would further serve the youth of this community. One-hundred thirty-three (133) souls were added, total membership increased to seven hundred six members (706).
1993: New Elizabeth Student Referral Center opened; The Encourager Newspaper began; Clothes & Food Closet for the needy; Head Start Center opened; Summer Feeding Program sponsored by Caddo Community Action Agency; two hundred members (200) added, totaling nine hundred nineteen (919) memberships.
1994: Purchase of Church van; balcony section added; various improvements-upgrades to Church
2003: facility. 1999-Scholarship Ministry began. (2) Scholarships awarded; 2000 (3); 2001 (5); 2002 (13); 2003 (7). 2003 Pastor’s Aide Ministry began, Susie Jefferson, Chairperson. Thirty-nine (39) souls added.
2004: Remodeled Boy Scout Hut; Private Tutoring Program begins; School of Performing Arts leased for Music School; Church Library and Computer Lab added in the Christian Education division. (9) Scholarships awarded. Five hundred-forty members (540) united during this 10 year span.
2005: The Summer Tutorial Program began; The NEMBC Male Chorus began; Mid-Week Service every Wednesday, Youth Bible Study every Wednesday. Arts & Craft Ministry began, Janice Evans, Chairperson. (6) Scholarships awarded. Seventy-nine (79) souls added.
2006: July-2006, Evangelism Ministry began with Rev. Travis Smith as Director; Boy Scout Troop increased: twenty-three (23) adults, thirty (30) Scouts. Purchased electronic Message Board. (2) Scholarships awarded. Eighty-three members added (83).
2007: To Date: Team Evangelism –“Spiritual Gifts” training. New Member Team Ministry Sunday School classes began. Purchased new van. BSA Troop 53 awarded first ‘Eagle Scout’, Lee Daniels Gibbs. BSA Troop 53, “1st Annual Distinguished Citizen Award Banquet”. Thirty-four members (34) added. Introduction of the NEMBC Executive Committee. (5) Scholarships awarded.
2008: ‘Homework Hangout’ through Nehemiah Community Development Corp. was established to assist neighborhood youth with homework. Christian Taylor became the 2nd ‘Eagle Scout’ of BSA Troop 53. Brother Greg Shyne and Brother Danny R. Mitchell, Jr., accepted the call to the Ministry. (4) Scholarships awarded. Sixty-seven (67) members added, thirteen (13) by Baptism.
2009: NEMBC Girl Scout Troop 449 established, Sister Nell Gibbs, Scout Leader. Journey Ministry for Teens began, Sister Andrea Shyne, Chairperson. Renovated Kitchen and Nursery. Building Fund began for renovation of Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall. (7) Scholarships awarded. Forty-one (41) members added.
2010: January, Renovation on Fellowship Hall and Sanctuary began. Thirty-one Days of Prayer celebrating our 35th Church Anniversary, October 31,2010. (3)Scholarships awarded. Forty-nine (49) souls were added, fourteen (14) by Baptism.
2011: First Wedding since remodeling began: April Wright & Anthony Kelly. First Home-going since remodeling: Sister Bessie Robinson. Brother Charles Jackson, Jr., accepted the call to the Ministry. Terrell Jordan and Brian Shyne became the third and fourth ‘Eagle Scouts’ of NEMBC BSA Troop 53. Boy Scouts remodeled Boy Scouts Hut. (4) Scholarships awarded. Remodeling completed in Fellowship Hall and Sanctuary. Added Elevator, updated Sound System, changed Stained Glass. 36th Church Anniversary held November 20th, rather than 4th Sunday in October to coincide with Dedication of Re-Entry Service, November 13th, into the new Sanctuary. Forty-six (46) souls added, fourteen (14) by Baptism.
2012: Nehemiah CD held 1st Summer Camp, 100 youth attended. Alex Ingram and Cedric Lott, II, became the fifth and six ‘Eagle Scouts’ of NEMBC BSA Troop 53. Seven days (6/24-6/30), Seven Sunday’s Prayer Vigil (7/1-8/12) held for Church, Community and World. Fifty (50) souls were added, ten (10) by Baptism.
2013: Three Ministers Ordained April 27th: Gregory Wayne Shyne; Danny R. Mitchell, Jr.; Charles Jackson, Jr. Pastor Danny R. Mitchell, Sr. deceased, May 2nd. Installed Danny R. Mitchell, Jr. as Pastor, June 23rd. Scholarship Fund renamed: Pastor Danny R. Mitchell, Sr. Scholarship Fund. NE BSA Scout House renamed: Pastor Danny R. Mitchell, Sr. Scout House. Twenty-six souls (26) added, fifteen (15) by Baptism.
2014: Resolution 175 of 2014 authorizing the dedication of 3700-3800 blocks of Dilg League Drive in honor of Pastor Danny R. Mitchell, Sr. This Resolution was authored by Councilman Sam Jenkins. Robert Miller became the seventh ‘Eagle Scout’ of NEMBC Troop 53. Purchased New Playground for Nursery. Instituted Ministries Recognition Day, 4th Sunday in August to recognize all Ministries of New Elizabeth. New Ministries established: Couples Ministry; Homebound Ministry and Food and Clothes. Thirty-six (36) souls added, six (6) by Baptism.